Weir in this together....
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Lexi is playing volleyball this year. She will be going into high school, 7th grade! NO WAY is she that old! She has started volleyball practice this week and she really enjoys it. I have to admit, I enjoy it too! Can't wait to see them play! Lexi also has her first boyfriend! Lucky for her dad and I, he moved to Gatlinburg, TN! They talk on FB and on the phone a lot. She really does like him a lot and I think he really likes her too. I know, I know, this is just the beginning!
Allison will be playing basketball in the fall. She is very excited about it! I think she will be very good at it. Allison is going into the 4th grade this year and then Bradley is going into the 1st grade! I do enjoy being with my kids and I am going to miss being able to go up to that school and volunteering. I think with me putting all of this in words is making me realize just how much will be going on in the next year and a half! OH MY! Jeff will have to step up and help more often and so will the girls!
On another note, have I ever mentioned how I hate the mosquitos up here? Well, I do!! There are so many of them here, you can't even go outside at night without them swarming you and then when you open the door to the house they get in so when you go to bed they are buzzing around your head! That is my gripe for the day!
Please remember me in your prayers for my schooling, and for the family. I have a feeling we could get a little stressed out at times. Good Bye for now.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Update on how we are
Lexi is doing great, just acting like a teenager more and more everyday! She is a really good kid though. Loves being around her friends. (don't know who she takes that after) She does great in school, I am so proud of her and her accomplishments.
Allison is being challenged a lot in 3rd grade, but is doing well! She is such a good kid also. She just had a birthday and is now 9 years old! My how time flies.
I am substitute teaching as much as I can this year and that is going well. I just wish I had more days to work. It may be hard to be a stay at home mom but I wouldn't change it for anything. It is so nice to be able to go volunteer at the school or just to go to the kids functions when they have them and not have to worry with getting off of work to go. On the other hand, if I had an education beyond high school and had a good paying job, one that wouldn't take ALL I made just to pay for daycare, I would love to be able to have more money to do things like vacations and stuff. I guess we can't have it all. Sometimes having less is better. (I have to keep telling myself that)
Jeff is still working at FedEx Office as Asst. Store Mgr. and likes it. I told him the other day that he is the best husband I have ever had! HAHA He really is so good to me and the kids. I love him and wouldn't know what to do without him! I hope he realizes how much he means to me. I just wish we could spend every day together. I miss him when he is at work! Am I making you sick yet? ;-) Okay, I don't have anything else that I feel I need to put on here so this is all for now.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Busy Busy
Well, today has been a very productive day so far, only not at my house. I spent the day at my in-laws cleaning the front door and porch area. It looks much better! I did accidentally log into my facebook account earlier,(I have been using Lexi’s to keep up a little), so I did post this blog on there for people to keep up with me. I will be using this to post pictures and things that go on with our family. I am so glad that we get to sleep in tomorrow morning. Ready for a relaxing weekend. We have a very busy September and October coming up for us. It is too much to list it all. Birthdays, Book Fairs, PHT meeting, election for school board, Harvest Festival, and more birthdays. I don’t know why my sister and I decided to have our kids birthdays so close together. Anyway, I had mine first and she could’ve planned a little better! ;-) just kidding Angela!! I can’t wait to go down to Hector area and see my family! Gotta go get the kids from school! My how time flies!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Some of My Friends From High School

Just a few pictures of the past that I had on the computer. I know I have more but they must be real pictures and not on the computer. I love all my friends that I graduated with and wanted to bring back some memories of some of our get togethers since we have been out of school. I don’t know where Ang and Allison were when we had this one but I’ll look harder and try to find some of the ones of us at Italian Gardens.
This one is of Susan Pruitt and her daughter Meagan. She is embarking on a wonderful journey of missionary work! You will be missed and God Bless your family.
Monday, August 24, 2009
First Day of School 2009
Well, here they are, my three wonderful kids on the first day of school. I can’t believe how big they are getting! Allison 8, Bradley 5, and Lexi 11.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Goodbye facebook
School is going really good for all of the kids. Bradley is loving kindergarten and his teacher! He is on a good schedule for bedtime and goes to bed very easily. Allison is loving the third grade and her teacher as well. Lexi is.... well she is in the sixth grade and you know sometimes when they get older they don't really like it as well. She does love her teacher which is a new one this year. She says she doesn't have any close friends this year but maybe that will come.
I am very proud of all of my kids, they are great! Below are some pictures of our swimming day at a lake in Wolcott. I didn't get Lexi in any of them , but as you can see I didn't take many pictures anyway. The boy in the first one is my friends son, Marshall. I hope I can spend more time on my blog now that I don't do facebook.
To Susan and Shannon Pruitt:
I congratulate you on your journey ahead and want you to know you are in our prayers. We will miss you so much, please keep us updated! Thank you for using your lives to help more people enter the Kingdom Of God! You are all a blessing to me and may God abundantly bless you! You will really be missed! Love you.
(oh my gosh, I could cry :(
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Short note
Just wanted to let you all know we are doing well and miss everyone from "back home." Hope to be able to see some of you soon.