Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, a lot has been happening here, but I just don't post anything anymore! I'm terrible, I know! Facebook has me spoiled and keeps me satisfied. One thing that is happening in the fall is.... I am going to college! ASU Marked Tree Cosmetology! I am excited, scared, anxious, and did I mention excited! The scary part is I have been a stay at home mom for about 10 years now and my schooling has a tough schedule. It will be like having a full time job! Monday thru Friday 8 am to 3 pm. Almost the same hours as my kids, how will I ever get anything done and have time to study? I will have to figure all of that out as I go along. I have always wanted to be able to cut my families hair and now I will be able to do that, well, in a year or so.
Lexi is playing volleyball this year. She will be going into high school, 7th grade! NO WAY is she that old! She has started volleyball practice this week and she really enjoys it. I have to admit, I enjoy it too! Can't wait to see them play! Lexi also has her first boyfriend! Lucky for her dad and I, he moved to Gatlinburg, TN! They talk on FB and on the phone a lot. She really does like him a lot and I think he really likes her too. I know, I know, this is just the beginning!
Allison will be playing basketball in the fall. She is very excited about it! I think she will be very good at it. Allison is going into the 4th grade this year and then Bradley is going into the 1st grade! I do enjoy being with my kids and I am going to miss being able to go up to that school and volunteering. I think with me putting all of this in words is making me realize just how much will be going on in the next year and a half! OH MY! Jeff will have to step up and help more often and so will the girls!
On another note, have I ever mentioned how I hate the mosquitos up here? Well, I do!! There are so many of them here, you can't even go outside at night without them swarming you and then when you open the door to the house they get in so when you go to bed they are buzzing around your head! That is my gripe for the day!
Please remember me in your prayers for my schooling, and for the family. I have a feeling we could get a little stressed out at times.  Good Bye for now.


Nel said...

Oh my gosh, wasn't sure if you still blogged or How exciting back to school. That is way too cool... Good Luck!
And the mosquitos, try Listerine, put it in a spray bottle then spray your arms and clothes and stuff. It sure did help 2 years ago when we were in Nebraska!
Good to see you on here!

Linda Jackson said...

Like your catchy blog....